Grade 10 Seminar #1 Timeline, NCAA Guidelines, and Rules


Seminar #1 – Timeline, NCAA guidelines, and Rules (Specific to Grade 10)

  • The recruiting process timeline - what the S-A should be doing and when
                          - brief review of the Gr. 9 timeline
                          - detailed overview of the Gr. 10 timeline
  • S-A’s must ensure they are on track to meet the NCAA Eligibility Centre academic requirements
  • Registering with the NCAA Eligibility Centre
  • Are the schools on your list the ‘right fit’ for you
  • How your list of schools evolve from year to year
  • Marketing process – establish and continue correspondence with coaches of schools on your list
  • Has the S-A provided an Athletic Portfolio to coaches
  • Preparing game/footage for coaches to preview
  • Importance of attending U.S. college camps/clinics
  • Guidelines/rules coaches must adhere to while recruiting
                            - review the Grade 9 guidelines
                            - explore the Grade 10 guidelines
  • Phoning the coach can be intimidating – how and what to say
  • What are and when should unofficial visits occur
  • Why is Sept. 1 an important date when you get to Grade 11

Date - January 11, 2018
Time8:00pm - 9:00pm
Location - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
                   875 Morningside Ave
                   Toronto, ON  M1C 0C7

Cost - $40 


  1. One or both parents must attend seminar with their son/daughter. There is no charge for parents of registered Student-Athletes.
  2. Please bring material to take notes (taking pictures of presentation slides is prohibited)

Atheletes Information
