SAT Testing

The SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The current SAT Reasoning Test is administered in about four and one half hours and costs $71 for International students.

The SAT test consists of three sections: Math, Reading and Writing. Only scores from the math and reading sections will be used by the NCAA Eligibility Centre to determine eligibility. It is recommended that the test is written at the beginning of the Junior (Gr. 11) year. It is Grade 11 math that is on the test, so it would be best to have Gr. 11 math in first semester.

The test can be written as many times as needed. The best sub-scores from each of the tests are used to get the overall total. Scores must be reported directly to the Eligibility Centre from the test centre - you ensure this when registering by selecting the Eligibility Centre as one of your test score recipients code is 9999

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