With the Gold Membership package Student-Athletes Game Plan provides unlimited assistance for a 12 month time period. The student-athlete and their parents will be provided an excellent and thorough knowledge base of the recruiting process both from the Student-Athlete’s perspective and from the College Coach’s perspective. Student-Athletes Game Plan will provide a step by step guideline that will help the family navigate through the recruiting process in the efforts of successfully acquiring an athletic scholarship. The list below are items included, but not limited to, your Gold Membership.
Initial Consulting Session (60 – 90 minutes)
- receive a thorough overview of the recruiting process
- get your questions answered
- determine what to get started with based on Grade and age
- outline the tasks to be completed and next steps
- create a timeline of when to complete the tasks
Package of resources for you to use throughout the recruiting process includes
- Student-Athletes Game Plan blueprint to securing an athletic scholarship
- Step by step handbook to pursue an Athlete-Scholarship at a U.S. College/University
- NCAA College Bound Student-Athlete Guide
- List of useful websites
- NCAA Eligibility Centre’s Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete
- List of the NCAA Core Courses
- List of the top 50 Colleges/Universities
High School Courses and NCAA Eligibility
- Review the Student-Athletes high school courses to date
- Review NCAA core course requirements
- Chart the Student-Athletes high school courses according to NCAA core
course requirements
- Determine what courses are still required to meet NCAA eligibility requirements
- Calculate and Review required GPA
- Provide guidance on high school course selection
SAT/ACT testing
- Full details provided on when/where to write, how to register
- Details provide on test subject areas, scoring system and score requirements
for NCAA eligibility
Athletic Portfolio
- Receive a thorough outline on creating an effective athletic portfolio
- Review exemplars of athletic portfolios
- Athletic Portfolio proofed and feedback provided by Game Plan advisor
Unlimited correspondence for a 12 month period – get your questions answered and receive guidance when needed through:
- in person consulting sessions
- telephone conversations
- email correspondence
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