Barb Boyes is the founder and U.S. student-athlete prospect consultant for Game Plan.

Barb retired after 30 years working as a high school teacher and guidance counsellor with the Durham District School Board. She has a tremendous background of working with athletes at all levels as a physical education teacher and coach both in high schools and in the community; and most recently as a guidance counsellor for student-athletes. Barb's experience and knowledge surrounding NCAA scholarships has helped her guide numerous athletes in a variety of sports, including baseball, basketball, equestrian, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, softball, swimming, track and field, and volleyball as they pursue U.S. athletic scholarships (NCAA, NAIA, Jr. College).

Barb's main sport is lacrosse. She has coached at every level locally, provincially, and nationally. She is the Executive Director for the Lady Blue Knights Lacrosse Association since its inception in 2000. The club entered a rep team in the provincial league (Ontario Women's Field Lacrosse) in 2002, and has since sent over 30 players on NCAA scholarships. Barb says, "It's all about providing the opportunities for our athletes and helping them develop a passion for the game. Then educating the athlete and parents on what it takes to become an NCAA student-athlete, including the requirements and expectations."

Barb is very passionate about creating opportunities for all student-athletes to play their sport at a high level and follow their dreams. The U.S. post-secondary system is very different from the Canadian post-secondary system - academic requirements are different, the number and variety of schools available are different, and the approach to athletics are different. Barb refers to the NCAA athletics as, "the closest the female athlete, and in many cases the male athlete, will get to professional sports. It just has that attitude and atmosphere."

Barb decided it was time to officially launch her Student-Athlete Game plan business in the Spring of 2009. There are numerous recruiting agencies willing to do the work and market the high-end athlete, but Barb knows the value of your own personal touch and importance of marketing yourself. While recruiting agencies may be the answer for some, they are NOT for everyone. One, they are expensive, and two, NCAA coaches prefer to deal directly with the athlete and family involved rather than an outsider. Barb believes that becoming educated in the process and then taking it in your own hands turns out a higher success rate of student-athletes finding the right NCAA fit for them. If you have the dream of playing NCAA sport, Barb ultimately believes there is a place for you.

Barb designs her seminars to educate the student-athlete and parents in the following areas: learning to market yourself, being educated with the NCAA guidelines, knowing what courses the NCAA require for the athlete to be eligible, and finding out more about the actual NCAA experience. Guest speakers who have been through the process will share their experiences with you.

Pursuing an athletic scholarship can be a very stressful time. Our objective is to give you the tools to make it less stressful and create excitement and anticipation as you work toward following your dream of playing NCAA sport. We look forward to helping you develop a Student-Athlete Game Plan.