Seminar #2 – Academic Requirements for NCAA and OUA/CIS Eligibility
Academic Requirements:
- Academic Requirements related to DI, DII, DIII, NAIA, OUA/CIS
- Which Ontario High School courses are recognized as NCAA core courses
- Review the NCAA core course guidelines
- Review the number of required NCAA Core Courses in each subject area for DI and DII eligibility
- Are you in the correct Grade 10 courses to ensure NCAA academic eligibility
- Look ahead to Grade 11 course selection
- what are ‘M’ and ‘U’ level courses
- which Grade 11 courses are recognized by the NCAA Eligibility Centre
- meeting the NCAA academic requirements
- how to be an early academic qualifier - The wrong courses can lead to being ineligible to participate in the NCAA
- Review the Role of the NCAA Eligibility Centre
Grade Point Average (GPA):
- Review how the NCAA Eligibility Centre calculates GPA
- Why to avoid marks of 68, 69, 78, 79 %
- GPA for eligibility centre versus GPA for individual college admission offices
Sliding scale:
- Provide S-A’s an understanding of the sliding scale requirements for DI and DII schools
- Ensure S-A’s can determine how their personal grades relate to the sliding scale
- Reinforcing the importance and benefits of good marks
- The sliding scale requirements often motivates the S-A to achieve better grades
SAT and ACT Testing:
- Overview of what the SAT and ACT tests are
- When is the best time to write the test
- Address the subject areas that are included on each test
- Explanation of the scoring system
- Advantages of writing the test more than once
Individualized Educational Plan (IEP):
- Some exemptions for students with IEP’s
- For those with a possible learning disability ensure the S-A has a documented IEP
Date - February 1, 2018
Time - 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
875 Morningside Ave
Toronto, ON M1C 0C7
Cost - $75
- One or both parents must attend seminar with their son/daughter. There is no charge for parents of registered Student-Athletes.
- Please bring material to take notes (taking pictures of presentation slides is prohibited)